Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hello Kitty Replacement

About four years ago, my passenger’s window of my ’87 Volvo was smashed while parked on the street overnight in Venice.

It was my own fault, really. I had done the ole cover up stuff with a sweater on the seat trick, but I wasn’t fooling anyone. An empty Hello Kitty purse, my navy hat, my bag with my student anthologies, and my Thomas Guide were taken. I felt so violated.

I had almost driven off with my coffee cup on the roof of my car, I was so in shock. Someone had stopped me to tell me it was on the roof.

I told my students about the robbery when I arrived at school. One of my students said to me, “At least you have a hat to steal.” I pondered this.

What upset me the most, were the student anthologies. I couldn’t replace this one drawing that was an original in my copy. The student had drawn a skeleton, an ode, little pieces of class which she would take away.

So when I was on my way to dinner for our last blog class, I passed by a Sanrio store. I couldn’t not go in, as I was fifteen minutes early and had time to spare.

There was a pink cheetah furry purse. It’s almost Christmas! I haven’t had a new purse for over a year! I’m still not over the loss of the Hello Kitty theft! It had a matching wallet. Well now, you can’t get the purse without the matching wallet. Then, I had to ask, “Does it have a matching pen?” Another five dollars. The thirty dollar purse turned into a sixty dollar purse.

It’s amazing to me how material I can be. But these material things somehow have more meaning than just their material value. I had just had a fight with my mother over money—Christmas gifts between my angry lesbian sister and I. When I was young, my mother and I would go to the mall. I would lose time looking at the small selection of Hello Kitty paraphernalia, a world unto itself. When I arrived home, there was a message on my machine from my mother saying how much she loved me.

Now this new Hello Kitty purse has its own story, found on the day I was leaving my blog classmates, purchased by a professional pursuing her Master’s Degree.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing like Hello Kitty to make things better. Nothing. (Ok, maybe chocolate, but HK is a close second...)
