Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Millionaire Myth

When I was seven, I saw Annie. Today, I realized that we feed children this myth that even orphans can be adopted by millionaires, hang from roofs, and live happily ever after.

Then I went to see Capitalism. I grew up right near Flint, Michigan, so Michael Moore’s truths ring very true for me. Who can forget “Rabbits—Pets or Meat” from Roger and Me? A few years ago, I thought I could be productive in my obsessing, and try to become a millionaire! Just like all the Robert Allan advertisements promise. But I found it was a lot of work. Plus, Michael Moore pointed out in his book that maybe if Americans weren’t led by the millionaire myth, then maybe we would all be content being comfortable and middle class.


  1. mmm.. no thanks. I'll continue to buy my lotto tickets until I win damnit

  2. scratchers for me. the lucky 7's and crazy 8's always work for me.
