Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy for Hands

Since I had the day off for Veteran’s Day, I watched Oprah. She had the woman on who was defaced by a chimp. Literally. A chimpanzee attacked Charla and ripped off her face. She was left with only a thumb.

Every day, even if she doesn’t feel like it, she goes for a walk. Oprah used her humor to say that she, herself, really has no right to complain about exercising, if Charla can maintain such a disposition.

Oprah had said how many people would just cash in their chips, (I may be using my own metaphor here, but you know what I mean…not literally cashing in chips in Vegas, but figuratively giving up to the pie in the sky.) I, myself, don’t think I could go on under the circumstances of Charla’s health. But she does have a daughter. And I always say we never know what we are made of until we are put in the situation.

Then I read about the soccer player that committed suicide by throwing himself in front of a train. His wife explained that he was afraid their adopted daughter would be taken away from them if the public found out about his illness. Their biological daughter died three years ago from heart problems when she was two-years-old.

Meanwhile, I am supposed to be focusing on all the good things in life. Maybe I should stop reading the news and watching Oprah. Maybe I should start my own list.

Thank god for these hands that can type this—that they were not mauled off by a chimpanzee.

I am praying for the widow who has now lost her husband in addition to her daughter.


  1. Oprah really does tend to have depressing stories. Where the happy stories at?!

  2. May I suggest that you both point your cursor to this address, and pay a visit?

    It's fabulous!
